Monday, September 30, 2019

The Decision to Implement a New Information System

The Decision to implement a new information system RE: Decision to Implement A New Information System I have been made aware that the business is looking to invest in a new information system for the handling of stock and other management activities. I would like to bring to your attention the fact that I am concerned about this new decision that management has made to implement this new system without through consultation with other managers and staff. I would like to stress that extreme caution should be made whilst considering to implement this new IS after the four million pound loss that was made during the implementation of the old IS few years back which led to the demise of the once very profitable craven comics. I would like to outline that I have the companies best interests at heart as I was present when the crisis of a few years back had occurred and would not like the same mistakes being made again. I shall delve deeper into the reasons why I believe that craven comics should be diligent and extra cautious in considering to implement a new system to handle stocks in the warehouse. I feel that there are a few key points that need to be considered. Reflection We need to look back to the tragedy that occurred a few years back and really understand why the IT system failed and learn from these mistakes. The main reason for the collapse I believe is that the company was over ambitious with what they wanted to achieve but yet were not prepared to thoroughly plan and investigate different options available. The company relied heavily on the IT consultants without really understanding the type of system they were purchasing and the implications the new system would bring. Staff and management alike were not fully aware of what the system was actually for instead fighting with the system rather than working in harmony alongside the system making seamless work of stock management duties. Stocks were being misplaced in the warehouse, incorrect amounts of new stocks were being ordered by the system along side various other problems all due to the fact that the employees could not interact with the system effectively. Both employees and management were not trained in handling the system correctly as the system was clearly the wrong choice for this business. I thoroughly recommend that our current employees have a say in what type of system integration they would find useful as a system relies on people for it to work. The staff at the warehouse must have their say as many witnessed the disaster with the old information system and it could prove very beneficial to hear their views and ideas also. We need to plan effectively and make sure that the system first and fore mostly meets the user’s needs. These will be staff in the warehouse along with the managers. So we all need to meet up and give our views and ideas on what we need this new system to do. The failure of the previous IS was due to the fact that the system didn’t integrate itself within the business. This could have been due to the lack of planning, analysis and research that went into deciding what IS was most suitable. Therefore I think it is imperative that we sit down with all the key members of staff including warehouse staff and discuss the reasons for needing an information system. Questions like: what is wrong with our current system? What improvements would like to be seen? How much costs are being incurred with this system? Will the business benefit with a modern IS?. With these questions answered we can then conceptualise and initialise the project. If we think implementing an IS is a good idea we need to develop a project plan. We can then address the question of what type of IS will be most beneficial to this business? , a tailor made one or one where the system is bought off the shelf. With the disaster that occurred with our previous system, the business chose to implement a system with the help of IT consultants. The system implemented was one that was designed initially for a different organisation but was modified to work within Craven Comics. This, I believe was fundamental to the compatibility issues that were suffered. The system failed to perform within our business as staff couldn’t really get to grips with how it really worked and the system didn’t fit in with the existing practices that the business was used to. Recommendation I Firmly believe that investing in a package that has been tailored to meet our needs from the ground up is the best option. This way we can design a system that answers all the questions asked in the planning and analysis stages. This way, the various departments will be able to have their say and a system that meets everyone’s needs and fits into the way the organisation works and thinks will be attained. This method is clearly advantages over the readymade packages that are available. Readymade packages are good at doing a certain type of job for example stock checking, but may not do everything that is needed. This can be a very quick and often cheaper method with a clarity of the costs but yields negative results most of the time. There is a very slim chance that the system will fit into the organisations existing practices and staff may need to be trained to use this type of system which may prove very expensive in the long term. I also believe that outsourcing an IS will not be beneficial. Although outsourcing allows a business to focus a greater amount of time on its core business and reduce personnel, it means that the business has less control over the system. There could also be compatibility issues and a risk of losing competitive advantage is also present as valuable information could be leaked. I recommend that the ‘prototyping’ method is used in the implementation process of the information system. We could submit a systems specification to the IT department and develop the application in-house. This will enable our IT team to work closely with everyone in the business to design a system from the ground up to meet our needs to the fullest. This method will enable staff and management to monitor the project at every stage and make key changes and decisions if the project is not working. A small working model could be developed and will invariably evolve after discussions with the staff and mangers alike whowill be using the system. This way the system will mould itself to what the business requires and the way the business works. The performance of the system could be closely monitored; is the system fast enough? What’s the user support like? How much is it costing? Is it integrating itself correctly? and so on. If satisfactory results are not being achieved then there is time available to make changes and modifications. Training time and costs will also be reduced as staff will be growing and learning as the system grows. Once the system is complete then staff should be comfortable and should fully understand the operation of the system. The prototyping method will allow Craven Comics to have full control. Project Schedule and budget The business needs to have a project schedule and budget. This is very important and wasn’t present during the implementation of the previous IS. Funds need to be split into small manageable parts, for example consultancy costs, IT management costs, Labour costs should all be budgeted. This will enable the business to see where funds are going and any cost over runs could be dealt with swiftly. Problems in the planning stages are the main reasons why most systems fails. Planning and budgeting correctly will also avoid the business in being over ambitious as was the case a few years back. The business should know how much cash is available and exactly where the cash is going. Failure to do this was a major factor in the failure of the previous IS, this disaster could have been avoided. Analysis and Resource Budgeting We also need to analyse and budget for the resources we have. For example how many staff do we have? how much space is available? The hours that will be needed? Will this impact in sales for the business? All these are key issues that need to be thoroughly monitored and carefully planned in order to minimise a fall in company revenues during the implementation process. I feel that we need all the staff to play a part in helping in the development of the information system. We need to use just the sufficient amount of space that we think we would need to accommodate the system. we should have adequate space to store the mainframe and need to look at the placement of wires and cables so as to avoid any hazards. we need to look at the placement of a backup system and the storage space for all the relevant IT technology. This will allow valuable space to be maintained for the everyday running of the normal business. Risk The concept of risk needs to be taken into account also. We need to appreciate that there is an element of risk present in this project as is with every new project a business decides to undertake. We need to understand what could potentially go wrong, and the measures that we could take in order to avoid this and minimise damage to the operation of the business. This was not done during the implementation of the previous IS as a result the business didn’t know where resources were going and how errors could be dealt with. Management Management issues do also need to be addressed. We need to look at the reasons why management failed during the last disaster and make sure that these errors don’t reoccur. I believe managements lackadaisical approach was the main issue. Management were not truly aware of what the business actually needed but were just following the recommendations of the ITconsultants. Management also failed to communicate effectively with fellow employees and just expected them to know what was going on rather than explaining to them what they were looking to do and how it would affect them. Legal issues and quality standards Legal issues also need to be dealt with alongside required quality standards. For example, data protection and health and safety issues. Project Reporting The project needs to be reported on at every stage. We need status reports, progress reports and forecast reports allowing the project to stay on track and under control. This was not present during the last IS therefore the project veered off course and we lost control of costs and valuable resources. Once we are approaching the final stages of the implementation process we should sit with all the key staff members and conduct a systems follow up. This will involve re-evaluating the systems effectiveness through discussion with top managers and end users. We should also evaluate the controls, processing and the output of the system. This will enable us to prepare a post implementation review report and make necessary revisions to the system if required to do so. This is also useful for future systems implantation as we will have crucial data of what worked well and what didn’t and the changes that were needed to be made. If we had taken the above steps during the disaster of the previous IS then this would have allowed the business to save a considerable amount of time and money in implementing a new IS. Mistakes could easily be pointed out and avoided. The fact that we didn’t keep progress reports of the project a few years back we couldn’t really see what went wrong and at what stage clearly enough. Therefore it is imperative that we evaluate the project of implementing a new information system and ask questions like, did this project achieve our scope? Did we make the correct decision in choosing to prototype? Is the quality there? did we meet our cost/timescale targets? , what were the major hurdles and what measures did we take to overcome them? . The answers to these questions will enable the business to learn from the mistakes and make sure that they don’t reoccur during any future projects. Craven Comics failed to take the above steps therefore there is no accurate record of the mistakes that were made a few years back. Final thoughts/Conclusion Overall I believe the decision to implement an information system is a good idea as the correct Information System can prove very valuable for an organisation. I also recommend looking at past disasters and the measures the firms took to overcome them. Disasterssuch as the international stock exchange (Taurus project, London Ambulance Service and Northumbria Police and so on and so forth could be looked at to gain invaluable insight. I believe a bespoke package will be the best option. This is the similar to the measures Craven Comics took a few years back. But I believe if all my recommendations are followed then this will be a very beneficial choice for this business. We need to approach the project with care and must avoid the mistakes that were made a few years back. I will grateful if you can take the time out to acknowledge the advice that I have given to you in this report. I have the companiesbest interests at heart and would not like to witness the collapse of this business again. Arif Saddiq Year 2 Accountancy and finance References Websites Library of Failed information systems projects’[online] [date unknown] ,http://www. scit. wlv. ac. uk/~cm1984/qmp/failures/NINE. HTM [accessed 20 march 2009] [accessed via www. google. co. uk and searched it failures] Wikipedia 2009, Information systems, http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Information_systems [online] accessed 21 march 2009]

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Human memory Essay

The investigation into whether images aid memory recall has been fairly successful. The experimental hypothesis: participants in condition 1(words with images) would perform better than those in condition 2 (words without images), has been rejected therefore the null hypothesis: there will be no difference in condition 1 (involving grid of random words supported by images) and condition 2 (only consisting of random words) has been accepted. Only to some extent from the line graph (Condition 1 vs. Condition 2), can we say condition 1 (words with images) recalled more words than those in condition 2 (words without images) because the line for condition 1 is generally above the line for condition 2 and this fairly supports the experimental hypothesis. The results measured using central tendency and measures of dispersion moderately support the experimental hypothesis. The mean and median for condition 1 (14. 1 & 14. 5) was greater than of condition 2 (12. 6 & 13. 5) indicating that there is a better recall when words are companied by visual aid and this supports the experimental hypothesis. The range (11) illustrated that data for both conditions were equally spread out, which does not necessary support the experimental hypothesis. Standard deviation, a more reliable measure of the dispersion than range has shown data in condition 2 (3. 977715704) is slightly more spread out than in condition 1 (3. 604010112). Descriptive statistics (numerical & graphical) have illustrated that condition 1 (words with images) performed better and this supports the experimental hypothesis. Not only do the numerical statistics support the hypothesis but the results are fairly pronounced, simply by looking at the line graph (graphical statistics); there is definitely a difference between both conditions although the Mann-Whitney U-test shows this to be below the level of significance. Inferential statistics, which enable us to draw clear conclusions about the likelihood of the hypothesis being true, is evidence for accepting the null hypothesis. The implication of the results measured using a non-parametric method, The Mann-Whitney U-test clearly shows that at the significance level of 0. 05, the results were very likely to have happened by chance. Though the observed value, 35 is greater than the critical value of 23 but only by 10. Comparatively, the findings of this study support previous theory and research but also are contrary to them. Bower, 1972 imagery recall experiment found that participants, who used imagery, recalled 80% of the words compared to only 45% by the non-imagers. In this investigation, participants in condition 1 (words with images) recalled 70. 5% of the words compared to 63% by the non-imagers. My investigation does support Bower’s findings, since there is a difference however the differences between the two conditions is not significant. Previous research does suggest that data in STM is stored in an acoustic manner this was demonstrated by Conrad (1964). Illustrating people may not always use visual codes to remember data and this supports the null hypothesis; in addition Baddeley’s (1966) study suggests that data is also stored semantically and this again illustrates that people may not always use visual codes. A possible problem with this experiment is the experimental design which lacks ecological validity and also does not account for individual differences. The study used independent groups, which meant it lacked control of participant variable and needed more participants. A matched participant design could have been used instead to deal with participant variables as participants are matched on key variables such as age and memory ability. Another problem of the study was the sample size. The study only used 20 participants, a small sample; therefore findings cannot be generalised to the rest of the population. So, a larger sample size of 50+ would be more representative and can be generalised. In addition, the investigation used opportunity sampling, which is very biased, and again it cannot be generalised. Random sampling would be the best method to select participants since it is potentially unbiased. An additional problem was the images used; some of the images were cartoon images (i. e. bible & pizza) and others were actual photographs (real life images, i. e. greenhouse). This may have been a problem since real life images may possibly be easier to remember than cartoon images or vice versa. To resolve such problem, would be by using only cartoon images alone or only real life images. The recall between genders may have wider implications: on the whole men have performed better than women, when studies have shown women should perform better than men. For example; women perform better than men in tasks such as verbal learning remembering tasks, name face association, and first last name associations learning (Larrabee and Crook, 1993). Ideas for a follow up research study is the effects of gender recall and discover if there is a significant effect for the sex of a participant on the types of gender associated images recalled and to compare the effects of visual and semantic codes in depth. There is evidence to illustrate that people do remember more with the aid of visual representation and evidence to illustrate people remember more without any visual representation. This itself suggests people do remember data and information differently (individual differences), i. e. acoustically, semantically. Therefore it is important to recognize these findings as they have strong insinuations for its involvement in everyday life, for example with teaching, revision and marketing. References & Bibliography Atkinson, R. C. & Shiffrin, R. M. (1968) Human memory: A proposed system and its control processes. In K. W. Spence and J. T. Spence (Eds. ), The psychology of learning and motivation, vol. 8. London: Academic Press Baddeley, A. D. (1966) Encoding in LTM: The influence of acoustic and semantic similarity on long-term memory for word sequences. Quart. J. exp. Psychol. , 18, 302-9 Bahrick, H. P. (1975) The nature of LTM: ‘Fifty years of memory for names and faces: A cross-sectional approach’, Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, vol. 104, pp. 54-75

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Ethics_society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Ethics_society - Essay Example The essence of utilitarianism is to minimize suffering across the world and maximize happiness. In such a case, the society becomes aligned in the most effective way as people only focus on making themselves and others happy. The moral essence of any action is largely determined by its outcome or consequences. In this case, both the actual consequences and the intended consequences are factors of core consideration. Utilitarianism in its own self therefore seeks to foster a just society where every person respects the other and seeks to enhance the happiness of everybody (Paley, 56). The concept of deontology on the other hand seeks to judge the aspect of morality in the actions of people on whether such actions adhere to the rules. It is known that rules are intended to create justice and fairness by guiding the conduct of humanity towards doing what is morally right. In this regard, it is seen that the consequences of actions do not really matter but the intention or motives of the people who do them. In this regard, the consequences of an action will always be right as long as the intention is of the doer is right. In the practical sense, deontological ethics are quite important in creating a society where people only wish well and are focused on doing the right thing. Such a society is indeed important in enhancing peace, morality and ethical conduct (Paley, 112). Deontological ethics are therefore a justification for certain actions. In any case, the mere following of moral codes of conduct is not enough. It is important to have the right motivations in the actions we do. Thus, a person might essentially not be regarded as immoral even though they might have broken a moral rule. Subjective determination of duties and obligations does not therefore find room in this context. Rather, it is a matter of objective

Friday, September 27, 2019

(Alcohol) Cause and Effect Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

(Alcohol) Cause and Effect - Essay Example They want to feel grown up. Another cause is that, strictly forbidding kids to touch alcohol increases the curiosity inside them. They turn out breaking the laws and standing liable for penalties. Studies have suggested that most teens drink out of their excitement that they get in breaking the law. Some disastrous effects of alcohol include affected brain activity, memory and concentration; increased emotional mood swings; inability to perceive the direction of sound; dysfunctional reproductive system; and, increased risk of breast cancer (Doheny). It also leads to affected driving leading to accidents, and family violence. Consumption of alcohol at a young age badly affects learning, memory, thinking capacity, judgment, and decision-making capability (StarTribune). To conclude, alcoholism starts due to peer pressure. It also tarts due to the fantasy that evokes due to strict prohibition. However, considering so many bad effects associated with drinking, it is wise to prohibit the consumption of alcohol at a very young

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Large project success Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Large project success - Essay Example The advantages of risk management are vital to a projects success. Addressing the risks in the right manner decreases the problems within the project (Susser, 2012). The next step to deal with the risks is to assign ownership. Assigning of ownership refers to identifying the right person to be responsible for a certain risk in case it occurs. The identified person is accountable to either decrease the threat or capitalize on the opportunity. The people responsible should identify the possible causes of their assigned risk. The other step is to estimate the risks. Upon identifying the risks, it is the responsibility of the IT project managers to assess the likelihood of the threat. Among the approach to estimate the risk is to make an effective probability and multiply it with the amount it will cost to resolve. This provides an impact value related to the risk. Another step to take is to analyze the risk. Analyzing the risk includes getting answers to what the risk is about, its effects, and causes. After analyzing, the other step is to manage the risk. This includes planning and immediately implementing a response to the risk. These plans inclu de transferring the risk, avoiding the source of the risk, minimizing the risk, and accepting it. Once these steps are followed, it is evident that the IT projects risks will be dealt with effectively (Kendrick,

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Business simulation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Business simulation - Essay Example Flipping a coin and rolling a dice give possible outcomes of a finite set. A discrete distribution is thus described by the finite possible outcomes sets, which describe a discrete distribution. Test results defining fail or pass and natures of parts demarcated by types or numbers are also examples of discrete distributions. When the possible numbers of outcomes are indeterminable, a continuous distribution occurs. For instance the time taken during a journey is a depiction of a continuous distribution because different marginal times are taken for different parts of the journey same as the time consumed in undertaking a manual activity. In these cases however much time may be similar, when further condensed into decimal place measurements, differences are inevitably notable. Distributions usually have finite lower and upper limits implying that they can be bounded. It is possible creating one’s own distributions with SIMUL8 using provided definite classical statistical distributions. This is a continuous distribution that is bounded on the lower limit and is used in the representation of the timings between the occurrences of breakdowns and timings between unsystematic occurrences, such as arrival times into the system, where there is random distribution and independence of the arrival sequences. The lower bounding of this discrete distribution is 0 and it is used where the instance of the reoccurrence of an event is known in the case where a single trial is repeated over and over, for example in deciphering the number of items requisitioned in an inventory or items on a batch. Is a Geometric distribution bounded on the lower limit at 0 and is useful in independent trial cases to return the total failures numbers before realization of success, and is usable in controlling ticketing problems, marketing survey returns and in meteorological models. This is a continuous distribution that has bounding on the lower limit and is used in generation

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

20th Century Public Space Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

20th Century Public Space - Essay Example Figure 4 The Great Court at the British Museum Designed by Norman Foster†¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..Page 8 Introduction Public spaces are critical components of urban areas. According to Worpole public spaces are any areas that are open and accessible to people (p. 3). This may include roads, public arenas, government buildings, libraries museums among other structures. It is imperative to note that the public spaces include outdoor and indoor spaces. Historically, pubic spaces were used by people for social, economic and even political purposes. Thus, these places played an integral role in building the social and cultural relationships among the people in a particular area. In the United Kingdom, urban areas have incorporated public spaces as an essential element of urban planning for centuries. In Europe, most cities took a functional approach towards the design public spaces whereby there existed several kinds of public spaces with different functions and symbolism (Hamnett & Noam 223). The functional approach of architectural design was favored due to the specialization of the cities. For instanc e, factors such as traffic, politics, social contrasts and productivity became critical considerations in the selection of the kind of public space appropriate for a particular area. It is evident that planning and design of public spaces has to that the spaces facilitates easy and meaningful interactions of people. Suffice to say, public spaces in buildings such as churches have to architectural designed to handle large numbers of people with various needs and demands. LondonMuseum One of the most notable public spaces in the history of Europe is the museum. Museums can be basically defined as places where objects of cultural or historical significance are exhibited. Notably, museums are repositories for historical artifacts that are of value for future generations in order to allow interested people to view. The first public museum in Britain was opened in 1753 in London (Duncan 279).This was the first national public museum in the globe and it was the brainchild of Sir Hans Sloan e. The British Museum was officially established through an Act of Parliament and it was first housed in a seventeenth century mansion in Bloomsbury London called Montagu House. Over the centuries, the buildings housing the British Museum have changed the museum has remained in its original location. Figure 1 Courtyard of Montagu House, Bloomsbury, 1754. (Worpole 175) After its opening in 1753, the museum grew in stature and the number of collections. Initially, the Museum had approximately seventy one thousand collections which were contributed by the Sir Hans Sloane. The huge number of new collections naturally meant that the Museum had outgrown the original building in which it was housed. This prompted the first expansion programme that laid the foundations for the present structure that houses the British Museum. In 1823, the trustees of the British Museum commissioned a renowned architect Sir Robert Smirke to construct the new buildings. The construction of the new building wa s necessitated by the fact that the Museum had received the gift of King George IV’s father’s library and there was no space to add more book shelves in the Museum. Robert Smirke was a follower of the Greek Revival movement of architecture and endeavored to use this architectural design principle in the construction of the building. According to the Greek Revival movement, it was appropriate for buildings to have simplicity and the classical look of the Greek architecture (Hamnett & Noam 225). The design concept for the Smirke building originated from the ancient Greek temples. Smirke

Monday, September 23, 2019

There have been many significant inventions that changed the way Essay

There have been many significant inventions that changed the way people live their lives. What, in your opinion, is one signific - Essay Example Thesis Statement - While technological advances such as electricity and the internet improved the lives of people in many ways, they did not really contribute to stopping the continued systematic oppression of more than 50% of the world’s population. The Early Forms of Birth Control In the ancient world, many women and a few men thought seriously about how to create a product that could stop women from conceiving every time they experienced sexual intimacy. It was an understood fact, even then, that continued pregnancies were greatly harmful to the bodies of women. There have been records found to verify that crude forms of condoms were made out of the intestines of animals in ancient Greece. There were also poultices formed from as assortment of strange substances which were used by women. Moreover, most of these methods were unsuccessful in stopping pregnancy. Birth control was viewed as being a taboo subject that ‘respectable’ women would not engage in. ... Birth Control in the Early Days According to Engelman, from 1800 to 1900 in the United States alone, nine out of every 1000 women would lose their lives during childbirth (Engelman, 24). The American government actively discouraged the distribution of any information regarding matters to do with controlling pregnancy or spacing the numbers of children that a woman had. Engaging in such activities was seen as being in support of the propagation of pornographic activities. Moreover, the American government did not say or do much about the many women who were dying on a daily basis during childbirth. As speaking frankly about reproductive matters was something that could be prosecuted under state as well as federal laws of the time, women in the 18th century did not know or understand much as concerning their bodies or reproductive systems. For women’s lives to be improved, they have to be able to control their reproductive lives. In the 18th century, as well as in all centuries prior, there were different methods that some couples resorted to in order to prevent pregnancy. In some families, a married couple would actually visit relatives separately as a way of dealing with the temptation to engage in sexual intercourse. A few couples tried to use abstinence, even when they were living together, to limit the birth of children. Many couples, however, preferred the withdrawal method, or other untested techniques that involved the use of sponges, condoms, cervical caps, and douches. All these methods, though, were not very successful. The majority of sponges and creams even brought serious health-related problems for their users. Abstinence did not work for the most part because it required complete self-denial on the part of the husband. Women, who were well aware of

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Lab Report about primula Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

About primula - Lab Report Example The practical aimed at documenting the observations accurately and developing meaningful observational skills. To achieve the practical objectives, a dissecting microscope and a compound microscope were used to compare the pin and thrum parts of the flower in a morphological manner. Again, collection of measurements was done to evidence the dimorphism. In the practical, it was established that the two flower forms are significantly different in their morphological structures. Their differences are readily visible through the size and structure of their styles, anthers, petals, and other aspects as seen in this lab report. Primula vulgaris is one of the largest and commonest genera of the Primulaceae and is mainly centred in temperate regions especially the mountainous areas within the northern hemisphere. The pollination of the flower is usually aided by human activities that promote insect pollination. In this case, insect pollinators visiting the flowers to look for nectar help in the pollination process. The species flowers are known by dustily that is mainly characterized through the development of pin flowers that are long and styled. These flowers also have anthers that head midway down flower’s corolla tube as well as some short-styled thrum flowers that have anthers positioned at the corolla-tube’s mouth (Webb & Lloyd, 1986). Typically, heterostyly is a common feature for the Primula genus whereby most of the species are distylous according to Richards (1993). The pollen morphology of all species has been previously investigated, but there are no surveys related to the Primula vulgaris species have ever been found. This argument provides that only a close investigation of the Primula vulgaris would provide a better understanding of the reproductive biology of the species reproduction biology. With regard to this species, most of its flowering plants have been found to be hermaphrodite

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Computer science and information technology Essay Example for Free

Computer science and information technology Essay The hard work and determination to create opportunities for change remains to be the main inspiration of man towards the attainment of his personal goals and objectives. They use these experiences as motivation and strength to further advance in their respective fields. Not only does it enhance their capabilities as an individual, at the same time it provides the necessary stepladder in attaining success. With these, I wish to express my intention to apply for a PhD degree in Web Engineering Technology. The realm of computer science and information technology has always fascinated me. It stimulated my mind of this complex processes that happens within for a particular system to work. This complexities and possibilities have made me keen of the possible opportunities that are yet to be discovered or formulated. This however, can only be facilitated by further education and research. Looking at my educational background, I finished my Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. After this, I began teaching students about the things I had learned during my study. Given my good academic standing, I was given a full scholarship by my country to study in the United States. This proved to be too good to be true for me as it can help me achieve my long term goals better my skills and competence in the field. Being an international student, I was faced with numerous struggles and difficulties adjusting. But my hard work paid off. Now, I am currently finishing my last semester to complete my Masters degree in Computer Science. I can say that this experience enhanced my interpersonal and leadership skills which I can effectively apply in practice. Now, it is my utmost intention to pursue a PhD program and focus on the field of Web design Technology. I chose this specialization because I am greatly interested in the increasing number of techniques and strategies available in Web Design. Likewise, I had familiarized myself with this study and hope that in the future I can be able to provide a lot of research in my chosen field of profession. In the end, this stepping stone is a vital process towards my personal fulfillment and professional success.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Relationship Between Hearing Loss and Ageing

Relationship Between Hearing Loss and Ageing For several years hearing loss has been related that come with aging. It is thought that as we age our auditory perception conventionally commences to fail. Health care professionals thought that failure was a product of our individual age, such that as we grow old our auditory perception ability lowers. It defines as â€Å"Presbycusis (age-related hearing loss) is the loss of hearing that gradually occurs in most individuals as they grow older. Hearing loss is a common disorder associated with aging and is ranked as the third most prevalent chronic condition in elderly people after hypertension and arthritis.† (Shemesh, 2010) Deafness is a â€Å"heterogeneous condition with far-reaching effects on social, emotional, and cognitive development.† (Fellinge,2012). In socio-cultural context, social and medical model both advises that deafness also has cultural and social meaning and that the negative effects of deafness is due to sociocultural problem, such as discriminatio n and barriers to access, as well as physiological disorders. Alternative ideas of deafness are available and can help the client to change positively to the diagnosis and later therapeutic and educational approaches. Deaf culture has a long history of domination and downgrading; its strength as a social network derives from deaf people having been thoroughly excluded from hearing culture, from education and professions. (Garden, 2010). In my client evidence who are deaf or hard of hearing capability difficulties such as communication stress, and unsupportive supervisors, which isolate them from community. The reason for selecting this topic is that being a nursing student, my client has listening problem and this may affect her psychological health so that she is associated with depression, social isolation, poor self-esteem, feelings of loneliness, and frustration . (Dewane, 2010) (American Academy of Audiology). That client also difficulty in explaining and sharing their problems. This paper will clarify ethical issues regarding hearing loss, its impact on patient’s mental health, interventions during hearing loss and alternatives. However, in our culture, nurses are expected to respect patient’s rights and treat them with dignity. During the clinical at St Vincent Nursing Home, I encountered an 83 year old female patient. She has a comorbid of angina attack, hypertension, and diabetic. She done only inter because her father was an engineer and migrate from place to place. She has 4 children, 2 sons were expired due to medical illness and 1 daughter is an abort and one son is also. She was a teacher in past. She has a problem for hearing (unilateral). When first day I sit with my client so she said to me that I never get socialized because all people talk very softly so I am not able to listen. She also stated that I feel embarrassed when I ask the questions again and again. So it’s better to sit in a room rather than disturbing others. I have also a problem for sharing my feeling to others. I spend more time in reading short story as well as religious books. I play cards and talk my son and daughter once a week. From the analysis of the scenario, in ethical issue that characterizes the topic is beneficence, nomaleficence, autonomy; fairness, integrity, and respect are found in the ethical codes. While these professional and legal fundamentals can detailed as sometimes to look severe and in practice they do not cover all situations. Nomaleficence (don’t harm) discusses to avoid injuring, distressing, hurting, harming, or causing a negative outcome. The opposite, beneficence (do good) are most possible to be helpful and to lead to a good effect. Autonomy (self-determination) is a really important consideration for clients, including informed consent and lack of pressure. Justice indicates that professionals treat clients fairly and do not engage in. Fidelity (faithfulness concern) is a symbol of the professional relationship. In general, mental health work with deaf people involves the same ethical principles. Ethical problems and possible solutions may affect deaf clients differently t han hearing clients. (Gutman, 2005). The theoretical framework used was Mishels theory of uncertainty in illness is a good theory to use in order to prevent uncertainty by using a good communication. These theories is a part of communications and caring and Swanson as well as Kolbaca is discussing important things about comfort and caring which is actually connected to communication. (Mattjus, 2012). In people with specific needs (refer appendices A). Occasionally hearing loss effects on mental health like depression and other disorder can occur. Inability to hear can result in feelings of shame. It is embarrassing to unable to behave according to appropriate social rules. The feeling of shame related to hearing from older adults unconsciously reacting in untimely and socially unacceptable ways, such as answering to a misunderstood question in an incorrect manner. Many elders with hearing loss take responsibility for ineffective communication and blame themselves for misconstructions caused by the hearing loss. Various feel apologetic about perpetually asking for others avail to understand what is being verbalized and when theyre unable to participate in convivial events (Dewane, 2010). In my case same point of view of my client misunderstanding creates problem. Persons with hearing loss to have impaired on ADLs. An important aspect of everyday life, can be seriously impaired with hearing loss. These difficulties with communication could lead to a perceived reduction in quality of life. (Dalton Cruickshank’s, 2003) Furthermore, if hearing loss is occur in patient should get high-quality nursing care, first do assessment (refers appendices B). Interview people with disability like hearing loss client (refers appendices C). Ability to communicate well and maintain good eye contact. Reduce the anxiety of a client. It is important that patients with hearing disabilities could express their needs, desires, feelings and opinions in communication with health care professionals. (Hornakova Hudakova, 2013). Listen the client actively and provide a moral support. When speaking to the client, increase volume of the voice, but don’t increase the pitch and don’t shout in front of client. Speak into the â€Å"good† ear, being to stay at a distance of 2 to 3 feet. Articulate words carefully, speak slowly, and rephrase if necessary. (Meiner Lueckenotte, 2006). Reduce background noise by turning off the radio or television. Write the words in note pad if client is not understanding throug h verbal. Sign language or speech reading may be used with impaired hearing. (Roach, 2001). People with hearing loss use of hearing devices, such as hearing aids. (WHO, 2014). They can also benefit from speech therapy, aural rehabilitation and other related services. (WHO, 2014). Enhance the client activity as well as sit with client in group and remove the isolation and depression fear towards her problem which I had done my clinical rotation. In the conclusion hearing loss in older age people is common because of increase in age. Reduce the anxiety fear towards loss of hearing power. Family and society should accept that client. It is recommended that respect and dignity of clients should remain paramount at all times. As a health care professional, we should encourage the client to get socialized. We tried to find out whether the future health care professionals successfully handle the difficulties of professional communication with deaf patients. The focus has been placed on a successful and effective communication with the client.